Kennedy Decompression Technique

Dr. Steven Tinlin is certified in the Kennedy Decompression Technique. KDT is non-surgical, calibrated decompression machine which is individually customized to each patient based on their weight, duration of pull and rest phases, and “directional preference” of flexion or extension. This is not a one-size-fits-all therapy!

KDT is a proven clinical option for those enduring acute or chronic pain due to vertebral disc dysfunction, spinal stenosis, vertebral joint degeneration, and for those considering surgical decompression and even some chronic post-surgical cases. Research to develop this procedure was conducted by prominent physicians, engineers, and technicians at major teaching hospitals. The KDT table is the most advanced and versatile spinal decompression table providing patient comfort to attain optimal clinical outcomes.

Dr. Tinlin often applies the powerful K-Laser Cube to the lumbar spine while decompression is being applied. The K-Laser is a Class IV, FDA-registered device which provides a deep, penetrating warmth which dilates blood vessels, accelerates oxygen exchange and pumps metabolic waste out of the area leading to pain relief and improved function. (Learn more about K-Laser on this website.)

Healing is not an event; it is a process. As much as we love to help people make as full a recovery as possible, it is important to manage expectations. The standard of care for spinal decompression is 20 sessions. We have concluded that there is no set number of sessions and results are extremely individualized and are dramatically influenced by taking the comprehensive approach we devised from clinical experience.

If you are suffering from neck, shoulder or arm pain or lower back pain and/or leg pain, call Tinlin Chiropractic today at (502) 897-5181.

Watch this short video on the Kennedy Decompression table.