Testimonial September 2017 DG

From the case files of Dr. Mueller:

In my career, I see many patients after they have undergone surgery only to find that their back pain was not “cured.” These individuals don’t want to keep taking potentially addictive medications, and they are at the proverbial end of their rope.

Thankfully – I have tools that can help relieve and restore many of them. .

In one particular case a man came to me 20 years ago to help relieve the chronic pain in his distorted spine. Progress was severely hampered by his regular international travel and he decided to go the “medical route.”

Eventually he opted for surgery and the prospects of permanent relief. Things didn’t go as planned, and subsequent surgeries were required. His last surgery was five years ago. When he awoke from having a “cage” procedure, bolting his three lower lumbar vertebrae together, he had severe pain in his right leg…..which hadn’t been there before. So not only did he still have his original back pain problem, but he now had leg pain as well which lasted 24/7 for 5 years. He was told that his only hope was (you guessed it) another surgery.

The man’s brother, who was a long-time patient of mine, encouraged him to consult with me. The story he told made me cringe. I truly felt for the guy and admired his perseverance, but I wasn’t sure I had much to offer given his history, but – I was determined to try.

We are now seven weeks into a one visit per week program utilizing the Class IV K-Laser Cube and the high-frequency vibration therapy provided by Rapid Release Technique and minimal spinal manipulation. I’m happy to report that his back pain is substantially reduced, his gait is essentially normal and the intractable pain in his right thigh is much more tolerable, approaching absent! He is grateful for his “miracle” and I am grateful for the tools at my disposal.

Have you been told that narcotics or surgery are your only option?

To learn more about the K-laser visit www.klaserusa.com and for information on high frequency vibration therapy visit www.rapidreleasetech.com

– Dr. Mueller